Tuktuk Lancaster


Save the tuktuk!

A campaign by Timm Wenger

  • $4,040
    Raised of $4,000
  • 59
  • 0
    seconds left
101 %
Successfully funded on July 20, 2017
A campaign by Timm Wenger
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
Save the tuktuk!

  • Timm Wenger July 20, 2017

    We made our goal, thanks to YOU! We are humbled that so many of you believe in this cause and have given generously. We couldn't, and wouldn't want to, do this without the support of the community. We feel your love!

    The lawyer is hoping to have the first part submitted by this Friday. The second part is due next Thursday. Then it's up to the PUC. 

    We will be closing down the crowdfunding page within the next week. Watch our Facebook page, newsletters, or website for updates.

    Again, many thanks!

    Timm and Kristina

  • Timm Wenger July 13, 2017

    I received word from an inside source at the PUC that with the lawyer's work, we have a good chance of winning the reconsideration.

    Also, I have an interview with WGAL lined up for Monday. 

    We appreciate your support!